Hello Everyone! Okay so it is pretty obvious that I don't work this blog like I should. I think I have come to realize that I am not going to either. Here's the deal NO TIME! Yeah I could come home and get right back on the computer even though I have been stuck on one for 8 hours a day, but I choose not to. There is homework to get done, dinner to fix and shows to watch. I love my shows yall and might have more time in the summer when there is nothing on tv, but then again it will be summer and I'll be outside taking pictures. When I am on the computer I am editing pictures or studying photography. I haven't decided if I am going to just shut it down yet though. I am better at updating my photography blog because I just post the pictures and run. LOL! I always draw a blank when I try and blog too. I feel like I have nothing to say and if I do think of something it almost seems like a therapy session where I have poured out my feelings then regret what I have just told the world. I have a tendancy of "going off" when I am upset or overly excited then once I calm down I'm embarrassed by it. So there is my reservations about going into too much detail on here.
So with that said I will give you a little info about what is going on in my family. NOTHING! LOL! Well not much anyway. Jeff is still working at Bracken Paving, I'm still at the Trading Post. We have decided that we are going to have to move though. I'm pretty sad about it because we didn't want to move again until we found our house but it looks like if we stay here we will be spending over $10,000 in gas this year. It is beautiful out here in the country but not practical anymore. I wish I was one of the wealthy that this economy isn't affecting but I am not, it is really invading my lifestyle and I hate it. This may be wrong, but I have dedcided that I will vote for whomever is going to convience me that they are going to do something about the gas. It is like all the other issues don't even matter to me anymore. When I have to move because of gas NOTHING ELSE MATTERS TO ME! Okay I'm off my soap box for now.
Jacob is almost done with the second grade! He is totally hilarious! Jeff and I are jokesters so it isn't a surprise that we have raised one. Here is a joke he played on me. His dad had nothing do to with this but he was very proud of his son. I was cooking dinner one night and Jeff and Jacob are just hanging out. Apparently being the boys they are they were trying to grab a hold of one of their nose hairs and putt it out. Jacob couldn't get any of his, but Jeff plucked one out. Jeff said Jacob had this look in his eyes and asked if he could have it. Jeff put it in his hand and Jacob closed it and smiled. He ran into the kiktchen where I was cooking and said "Mom". I said "hang on a second okay", he waited patiently. Jeff is in the other room rolling because he can hear the whole thing unfolding. I turn around and said "what" Jacob opens up his hand and said do you see this? I said yes, he said do you know what it is? I pick it up TOTALLY thinking it was an eyelash, and say just that, "an eyelash" he laughs and says "no that is one of dad's nose hairs". I of course scream and wash my hands. I thought Jeff had come up with the whole thing but turned out to be just as proud of him as his dad. GOOD ONE!! He also is at a stage now where he is pouting all the time when he doesn't get his way. This is FUN!! I love having to be stern all the time always makes for a good time. (totally kidding) We went bowling last night with our friends Holly and Chris and their beauty Dru. I allowed him to bring 2friends, Jeff's nephew Dakota, and our neighbor Cody. Half way through bowling he is pouting so I asked what was wrong, you know what he said..there is nothing to do here. UMMM EXCUSE ME!!! Did I just pay $25 for bowling and there is nothing to do. Urrrr!!!! Somewhere along the way my child has become spoiled and it is time to nip it in the bud. He is getting ready to go to the beach with my parents which is good, he needs to spend sometime with his Grandad, he'll nip this attitude. Grandad has "the eyes" that always works wonders for bad behavior.
Okay so I have rambled enough. Here are some recent pictures I have taken. Some are of Jacob and Jeff fishing the others are from bowling.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hey everyone, I just got an email saying that I needed to update my blog. Sorry I really have not had time. Between Christmas, working full time, photography part time and being a wife and mother THERE IS NO TIME FOR BLOGGING! I need to post pictures but I can't today. Let's see what is going on, well Jeff is on lay off right now until Bracken opens back up the end of Feb. Jacob is doing well in school. He was off to a rough start at the beginning of the year (more of a behavior issue than anything) but is now focusing and doing well. So far so good on my business. I had the awesome opportunity to take pictures this weekend of some locals for a book that will be coming out written by JS Moore. For those of you who went to South that is Jason Moore. He already has written a book titled "Understanding Apples" and the next book that will have my pictures in it is called "Gathering Leaves". These are stories that are about his grandfather Judd Moore, and others that lived on Long Island in Kingsport before Eastman took it over. It is a mixture of stories. I just read Understanding Apples and can't get it off my mind. Not sure if it touched me so much because I know Jason or what. I'll let everyone know when the new book is out on the stands though. That is all I have for now guys. I'll try and do better.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hey everybody. Just wanted to let everyone know (especially those who have prayed for us for years) that we have FINALLY found a church. We have struggled with this for a while for several reasons mostly because when we would go it was like shew I'm good for a while and it would be forever before we would go back. Well last week my friend Amanda Bracken's husband Alan (Jeff's boss) invited us to their church Christ Fellowship. We LOVE IT!! This is the first time in I don't know how long, probably since I was a teenager, that I was like hey I want to go back to church this week. Jeff is excited too. They have a great children's program as well. I will say though that Satan was not too happy with us going because he sure did try and wreck our week this week. Oh well, too bad, we're going back!! LOL! Anyway thanks for everyone who kept the faith and kept praying for our family. Oh and BTW I know I need to update my photography blog, I have some new stuff to show everyone so I think I'll go visit Arby's and use their wifi tonight and get some uploaded. (NO I DON'T HAVE THE INTERNET AT HOME, LIVE OUT IN THE COUNTRY)
Friday, September 14, 2007
So I finally made a blog for just my business, so check it out! You have all seen these pictures before I'm sure but I'll be sure to put more on there as I do them. So from now on this blog will be about my family instead of all my pictures. Here is the update on what has been going on in my family. Let's see...Jeff finally got out of the pest control business. For those of you that don't know he worked for Barnes Exterminating for almost 3yrs putting up with the most insane boss EVER! He truely was a crazy man. He then went to work for another pest control company which turned out to just be shady (which is not surprising in the pest control world.) He also was suffering from migraines for a good 9 months but since he has been out of that business NO MORE MIGRAINES!! Praise the Lord! He is back to driving trucks but instead of doing the over the road trucking he is working for Bracken Paving. What a blessing this has been. Alan and Amanda Bracken are amazing people who really love the Lord. Every Monday they have a devotional type meeting!!!! It is really a special company and Jeff LOVES his job. Jacob is 7 now, and in the 2nd grade. He is in cub scouts now so hopefully he will like it. He has tried soccer and football and bless his heart he has mine and Jeff's blood running through him and really just doesn't care about sports. He is more into hunting, fishing, playing in the dirt or whatever he and his friend Cody do all day long. Just being boys playing on the farm I guess. I'll keep encouraging him to play sports but like I said sports are something not even watched in our household. I know most of you out there are like "what is wrong with them". Okay I have to go for now, sorry to just stop in mid sentence but gotta run!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Well I was struggling to come up with something new for Jacob's B-day cake. So I thought I'll do a picture cake, and make it funny by using a funny picture of him. I thought this would be hilarous and that I had raised my child to laugh at himself. I WAS WRONG! This totally backfired and he was really embarrassed. It cracks me UP!

Here is a slideshow of the most recent photo shoot I did for Michelle, Bryan and Seth Wilder. There are a lot of pictures in this one. Seth is just one of the sweetest and prettiest babies EVER! He is such a happy boy! We had a really good time that day that were very easy to photograph I didn't have to direct them at all! I'm always amazed at how comfortable some people are in front of the camera. Myself, not so much, I'd rather be behind it.
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